SpiceDB Documentation
Getting Started
Installing SpiceDB

Installing SpiceDB on RHEL or CentOS

This document outlines how to install SpiceDB for systems running RPM-based Linux distributions (opens in a new tab).

Every release of SpiceDB publishes .rpm packages and tarballs for AMD64 and ARM64 Linux.

Looking for .deb packages? Visit the doc on Installing SpiceDB on Ubuntu/Debian

Installing SpiceDB using dnf

Before installing SpiceDB, you must first add the source for official SpiceDB RPM builds:

sudo cat << EOF >> /etc/yum.repos.d/authzed.repo
name=AuthZed Fury Repository

You can now install SpiceDB and zed, the official command-line tool as normal:

sudo dnf install -y spicedb zed

Manually installing SpiceDB binary for Linux

Manual installations of SpiceDB for macOS can use the following command to download the latest release for their platform and architecture:

curl https://api.github.com/repos/authzed/spicedb/releases | \
jq --arg platform $(uname | tr '[:upper:]' '[:lower:]') --arg arch $(uname -m) '.[0].assets.[] | select (.name | contains($platform+"_"+$arch)) | .browser_download_url' -r | \
xargs curl -LO

Afterwards, it is up to the user to extract the archive and decide where to place its contents on their systems.

We recommend following the XDG Base Directory Specification (opens in a new tab) if you're not trying to install SpiceDB system-wide.

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